How to Read Movie News


Or, more precisely, how to read a movie "press release."

For the uninitiated, a crusade release is a prepared statement by a business, politician or another sorting of public entity and/or figure that is distributed to the media in lieu of an on-the-record statement. In the world of entertainment, press releases tend to be a strange fusion of information underprice (here's World Health Organization's in our new movie!!!) and spin control (our new movie won't suck!!!) written in a coded language that can be inconceivable to decrypt if you don't do this for a living.

Symptomless, I do do this for a living. So here's a handy manoeuver for all of you to understand what moviemakers are really telling you in "news" stories that quote directly from the studio apartment publicity department:

"We are excited to be working with this unique new filmmaker!"

"We are excited that a new talent just coming polish off a breakout characteristic has signed on to our contrive, guaranteeing us favorable early press and non costing us A much as soul more established!"

"I am honored to be up to your neck in such a storied, all-important part of pop culture."

"I'm psyched to be attaching my name to a moving picture tied into something with such a massive pre-sold fanbase that information technology's going to open huge and net ME massive industry clout no subject what rather job I actually do on that!"

"I'm a durable-time fan of this risible/book/gimpy franchise!"

"I have heard of this mirthful/book/game enfranchisement!"

"This genre has always offered such great possibilities!"

"A film therein genre only made much of money, and we are following the leader."

"Ray-imagined for a more contemporary interview."

"Dumbed down for the Facebook propagation brats who we think are the only people all the same outlay money at movie theaters."

"[Insert Histrion] is being advised for the part."

"[Cut-in Role playe] draws a lot of search locomotive hits right in real time, and so we are floating their distinguish in a not-story that you will now report hoping to get a dealings hike up, thus generous our production free publicity."

"We're sounding to mother to the core of what the character is actually about, and not get decorated informed superficial inside information."

"The primary character in whatever our film was based on was originally gay, black or in some other way a minority in the U.S., and we are rationalizing changing their run off/orientation/etc. to a white heterosexual because we think that's the only kinda extend to character populate want to get a line."

"Starring Vin Diesel."

"Jason Statham said no."

"Easter Eggs, just for the fans!"

"Insubstantial nods to extraneous-film continuity to dungeon the fanboy exhort sick and skew our press coverage favorably."

"Reminiscent of Black Hawk Down!"

"Handheld camera at a alto shutter speed, processed through a brown dribble."

"Reminiscent of the Bourne films!"

"Handheld camera at a high shutter speed, processed through a blue/green filter."

"Reminiscent of Saving Cliquish Ryan!"

"Hand-held camera at a high shutter speed, processed through a desaturation filter in a catamenia setting."

"Influenced aside the Grindhouse revival front."

"Our movie sucks, simply pretence to be intentionally chase in Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's footsteps will hopefully deflect criticism from people who don't know any amend."

"In the style of Asian country anime."

"In the fashio of The Matrix."

"Videogame-inspired fulfill scenes!"

"Poorly-shot action scenes involving squads of elite gunmen."


"Martial-arts scenes played precisely a minuscule bit over the tip in terms of physics."


"In the tradition of The Dark Knight!"

"We just mentioned The Dark Knight, meaning that you can now report this story as news in a pathetic hand to draw web traffic from fans obsessively searching for every scrap of information about the incoming Batman picture. You're welcome."

"The story has been updated to chew over the reality of the daylight-to-twenty-four hour period modern times."

"The characters use mobile phones and talk about Facebook."

"Comic Word of God-elysian visuals!"

"Shot primarily using green screens!"

"While we didn't originally shoot the film in 3D, we've decided that it is a perfect candidate for the unique opportunities offered by a 3D conversion."

"We started shot before it was discovered that you could add a couple depth-of-subject tricks to a movie and then charge double as much for a ticket, and like thunder we were gonna miss out on that make whoopie!"

"A strong female fictional character who is too complex and challenging."

"A female persona who is capable of beating ascending manful enemies twice her size like they were made of congeal-o simply as wel has the appearance, physique and temperament of an emotionally-traumatized teenager. Too, she is almost totally uninformed about sexual urge, save that she is ferociously (yet demurely) attracted entirely to non-cloudy respectable guys who happen to resemble the males in the film's target audience."


"Screenplay by Joss Whedon!"

"Some elements possess been updated to address the sensibilities of a modern interview."

"Holy crap, the old book/comic/back/etc this was based connected was wild racist! Like … not even in the cute potty-grandpa-along-Thanksgiving harmless racist, Sir Thomas More like … did you ever see Solid ground History X? Yeah, wish those guys."

"Aimed at an urban consultation."

"Aimed at what a white studio executive thinks black people are like."

"An exciting external cast!"

"Remember that smokin' charged foreign chick with the sexy accent who won an Oscar for some subtitled movie you didn't see last year? She's totally in this. Thus is whoever the almost popular old dignified British theater star right now. Also, we cast an Indian and/or Chinese cat who's, like, a large star back home but will do Hollywood movies for next to cipher, so now this sucker is gonna make serious coin on the Asian market. The conduce roles, of naturally, have motionless spent to the cardinal blandest, whitest people we can find."

"[Insert Actor] says this role will show people what he can really do!"

"[Insert Doer] is a vapid teenager heartthrob currently happening the People/Us Period/Star cover circuit; we've cast him because we want a big curtain raising weekend, hopefully he can hit his marks piece the to a lesser extent big real number actor in the supporting (unremarkably bad guy) role does all the heavy lifting."

"[Insert Actress] sheds her screaky-clean ikon!"

"[Insert Actress] – probably from the Disney/Nickelodeon stable – is 18 now, so it's okay for you to stare. Come see her bring on the hot chick in our otherwise forgettable movie!"

"From the masses who brought you …"

"No one with whatever specially impressive credits is involved direct in the production, simply a few of the several-xii people credited as some sort of producer also had their names on something pop, so we fanny technically credit information technology in our advertisements!"

"A hot cast of fresh faces!"

"An inexpensive cast of people you've never heard of."

"Resolute, carnal, ground-breaking romantic scene."

"Lesbian arouse scenery."

"Immoral, taboo sexuality!"

"Gay, male sex scene."

"Racially charged drama!"

"Caucasian race victimization the N-word."

"From visionary filmmaker Tim Burton."

"White Issue stockholders are more or less to experience a morning."

Bob Chipman is a film critic and independent filmmaker. If you've detected of him earlier, you have officially been spending way too much time connected the internet.


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